The last two weeks of this course we had the chance to attend to a workshop where we had the opportunity to learn about our body language and how to deal with stage fright. I must say that I really enjoyed these activities, and I found them extremely useful.
On the first day we learned how to walk properly around the classroom. I had never thought about it, and that is because we do not really think about walking, we just do it mechanically, however I realized that many of us walk without confidence and we were not aware that we were not moving correctly around the classroom. Moreover, we did an activity in which we had to talk in front of our classmates, and the instructor let us know the areas that we can improve in order to express ourselves in a better way. We also learned how to project our voice. All of this activities are going to be useful at the moment that we teach a class to our students.
On the second workshop we worked a little bit more on the things we were discussing on the first one, but we also learned that it is important to relax and have fun sometimes. Again, we had to present a story in front of our classmates trying to avoid the mistakes we identified on the first session. Personally, I saw a great improvement in all of us. However, sometimes we made the same mistakes unconsciously, but Giovanni helped us to work on that.
In conclusion, I found this two workshop sessions very useful and funny. I will definitely remember the things I learned there at the moment of teaching my classes.
I wish you could have detailed each of the activities and how they helped you. Next time you write a blog entry keep in mind that you are writing for someone who doesn't know you and that may not know anything about the topic. Your challenge is to keep that person hooked to read the whole blog entry from top to button.