Monday, August 31, 2015

Creating Lesson Plans

During our last class we had the opportunity to create a lesson plan for children between the ages of 7 to 11 years old. Before creating the lesson plan I felt very excited since I have always wanted to to learn how to create a good lesson plan, I started to think about the activities to include and I thought it was not going to be very challenging. However, while creating my lesson plan I realized that it is actually very challenging, since we have to think carefully about the activities we will include and the time we will give to each activity to make it apropriate for out students. After creating the lesson plan we had the chance to receive feedback from our teacher, and I had the chance to identify the areas that I can improve to create excelent lesson plans.

Here is the lesson plan I created:

Don Bosco University
Teaching Practicum I “Teaching English to Young Learners”
Teacher: Bryan Stanley Melgar Rodríguez. Date: August, 26th / 2015.
Topic: What’s your name?
Objective: By the end of this lesson SWBAT identify the letters of the alphabet in order to spell their names, and introduce themselves using basic greetings.
Target skill: Listening Planning Framework: PDP
5 - 7  min.
- Students will play a memory game using small cards with some of the letters of the alphabet.
- The class will be divided in two groups, and after planning among them their own strategy, each group will send a different member per turn to try to match a pair of cards.
- The group with more pairs of cards will win.
Aim of activity:
Introduce the topic.
Break the ice.
Cards with letters.
Type of learner: Vi, K.
Interaction: T-S, S-S.
15 – 19 min.
- Using the same cards from the warm-up, students will be shown the sound of each letter. (5 min)
- Students will be presented with the questions they need to ask to have someone telling and spelling their names, and how to answer those questions. (5 – 7 min)
-Students will be introduced with greetings.
(5 – 7 min)
Aim of activity:
Present the topic.
Flashcards, whiteboard.
Type of learner: Vi, A, K
Interaction: T-S.
17 min.
- Students and Teacher will practice and sing the song “Bingo” a few times. [The word “dog” will be replaced with the word “son”](5 min)
- Students will sing the song replacing the word “Bingo” for their names, in order to practice spelling. This activity will be repeated with different students. (7 min)
- Students will listen to a short “real” conversation of two persons introducing themselves and using greetings. (5 min)
Aim of activity:
Practice the lesson.
MP3 or CD Player.
Type of learner: A, Ve
Interaction: T-S.
12 – 17 min.
-Students will play “sharks are coming” the person who is left out in every turn will have to spell their first name. (5 – 7 min)
- Students will chose a partner and role-play a very short conversation similar to the one they listened in the previous stage to introduce themselves. (7 – 10 min)
Aim of activity:
Produce language.
Students’ notebooks to plan conversation.
Type of learner: K, A, Ve
Interaction: S-S

1 comment:

  1. Is this the firsty and only lesson plan or an improved version? Do you have the requested one for PPP? Do you mind listing the aspects you improved after getting the feed back?
